Why Jacó?

Transportation Domestic flights Costa Rica has two international airports. The first one is Juan Santa María International Airport (SJO), located in Alajuela next to the capital city of San José. The other airport is Liberia International Airport (LIR) located in Liberia, Guanacaste. Depending on where you arrive, Jaco is close to both airports. Let us organize the entire trip to your accommodation for you to experience our project. From the flight to the pick up at the airport. Don’t worry, we will gladly assist and save you time and energy. “Our time is the only thing that really has value”. Costa Rica is an easy-to-navigate country, by land from San Jose you can get to Selva Coral within 90 minutes. Rental cars, ATV’s, golf carts, SUV’s. To avoid taking a leap into the void, it is essential that you know the area. Renting a car is necessary to discover all this wonderful area that the planet has to offer. There is a variety of vehicle options. You’ll be protected from the heat, dust, rain, or mud. Surf We are blessed to be in one of the richest waves zones in Costa Rica, not to say the world. There are always waves, all year long and the water is always warm. We evaluate the tide and wind conditions for our daily surf sessions, and then surf to find the best waves with fewer people in the area. Beginner We teach you all the basic techniques to get you on your feet on the board. How to dismount or finish the ride and how to carry your board safely in the waves. Then you practice in the sea. Intermediate Get on the lineup catching mild waves. Safety and surf etiquette in the sea. Advanced Top performance surf training. Specific drills and stretching positions are taught to help you maximize your performance. Surf Shops If you are looking for surfboard rentals in Jaco there is a large selection of quality surfboards to buy or rent. There are high quality longboards, funboards, softops, fish surfboards and performance shortboards to choose from. Restaurants There are plenty of delicious and healthy food in Jaco. The gastronomic offer is growing enormously and presents a wide variety of options for all tastes. Definitely a very exciting world to explore. On the last recount there were over 50 places to eat in the area:
  • Vegetarian
  • Barbecue
  • Seafood
  • Sushi
  • Mediterranean
  • Beachfront
  • Special places
  • Cocktails
  • Pizza
  • Fast food
  • Ice cream
  • Breakfast
  • Bakeries
Local activities Nightlife Jaco lives by day and comes to life when the sun goes down. The music comes and with it comes the desire to socialize. Having fun is part of the medicine of this town. So, if you are looking for this kind of stimulation you are sure to find it in Jaco. Local Market In every small town there is a local market. They are places where people can meet, find handmade products, get quality organic food, support each other, and give life to a community. Events The multi-cultural zone that exists in the area is very attractive and it gives life to the place. Apart from the opportunity to simply relax, enjoy nature, have fun in the sea and good food, every week there are events that boost life and stimulate our being. Environmental movements Costa Rica is a pro-environment country. That is why many people come to live here. The important growth that Jaco is having is also being accompanied by institutions and community groups that seek to protect the natural environment from the impact that this inevitable growth causes. Nature and Adventure There are many other attractions in Jaco such as:
  • Fishing
  • Golf
  • Snorkeling
  • Canopy
  • Horseback Riding
  • Hiking
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